WebDav - Failed to get List

Hi Folks,
I’m connecting to Netdrive via WebDav (to connect to my Synology NAS).

I managed to connect to WebDav without any problems, however, I’m unable to list my files and folders both in NetDrive and/or Windows Explorer.

Do you have any idea of what it might be causing this?

Many thanks, Marc.


Could you attach debug log files to figure out what happened?

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no credential information in the log files.


Thanks Jyyoon,
Please see attached the Log File as requested.

Appreciate your assistance!

NetDrive3_marce.zip (8.3 KB)


I got the files you attached and reviewed them.

But I could not catch anything from them because the log files was written in ERROR log level.

Please attach log files after setting the log level to “VERBOSE” and reproduce the issue.


Hi Jyyoon,
I don’t know what happened, I had selected “VERBOSE” and reproduced the error.

Anyhow, I have done it again and attached the files.

It seems that I connect fine, but I cannot see any folders or files in the drive!

Cheers. :grinning:

nd3api_NetDrive.exe.zip (218.9 KB)


You set a server url with port 5000.

I think you are using Synology NAS. If it’s right, please set port 5005.


This is the setup for ports that I have.

Yes, you should set the url with port 5005.

If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact us.


I still cannot access it.
If I change the port to 5005 on NetDrive, it says that My credentials are incorrect.
If I change to port 5000 on NetDrive, I can connect but cannot see any file!

Dear marcelomelosnr,

Please check the “Use SSL(https)” option.


Do your account have a permission to access webdav?

Please refer to the following.


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