FTP and SFTP not connecting


I cannot connect drives to FTP and SFTP servers.
The connection is stuck or I receive an error message “failed to authenticate”


If the message appeared, please check your account and password of ftp.

Even if the account and password is correct, could you attach debug log files to figure out?

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.



Thank you for your response.

The credentials are correct. With WinSCP the connection works.
Please see the attached screenshot and logs.
nd3api_explorer.exe.zip (57.0 KB)

Best Regards,

Your issue can be solved installing the root certificate.

Please refer to below.


ndagent.zip (101.4 KB)

I installed the certificate and netdrive3 still stuck when I try to add the drive.

Best Regards,

Did you install the certificate to “LOCAL Machine” location?

I revised the topic. Please try one more time again.


Yes, I installed the certificate again to local machine. The connection still stuck.

Could you try with a following url version?



I upgraded to the new version but the software still stuck during drive creation

Let’s have a remote session to figure out.

Let me know your AnyDesk Address and the time you are available with UTC.

AnyDesk can be downloaded from Download AnyDesk for Free



I reinstalled the new version that you sent and the issue has been resolved.

Thank you for feedback.


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