Unable to connect through webdav

Unable to connect through Webdav to synology on Win 10 64bit. Erro window appear “Authentication with WebDAV has failed”

i already pay for the 1 year contract but i still can not use it. would you please help


Did you configure the account setting in Synology DSM?

Please refer to a following url.


If the issue persists, attach debug log files to figure out what happened.

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.


Another problem is pooping out. why there are always so many problems?

Dear johnzinsh1,

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.


I think the port number of the server url you set in NetDrive is not for webdav but http(https).

Please check again which the port number is for webdav you set in DSM(or port forwarding).

And even if the port number is not for webdav, the crash should not have been happened.

Please attach debug log files, as tsjeong mentioned.


why there is nothing in the driver?

here are the logs
nd3api_explorer.exe.log (2.6 MB)
nd3api_msedge.exe.log (14.7 KB)
nd3api_WeChat.exe.log (9.8 MB)
ndagent.log (7.1 MB)
nd3api_ndagent.exe.log (4.6 MB)
nd3svc_WebDAV.log (1.2 MB)
nd3svc.log|attachment (6.3 MB)
nd3api_NetDrive.exe.log (4.8 MB)
NetDrive3_zhz.log (411.4 KB)

Dear johnzinsh1,

Would you like to install the new version from the URL below?

And check the WebDAV port number.

If you issue persists, please let me know.


I reviewed the files you attached.

You must set the webdav server url to https://johnzhang.synology.me:5006.

https://johnzhang.synology.me:59557” is not a webdav url but a http server url.

Please set “https://johnzhang.synology.me:5006” the server url, then you can see the files and the folders.


i can see something in the browser of netdrive but still nothing in my local drive

Dear johnzinsh1,

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.


It’s a weird.

Could you attach debug log files one more time?

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