Team drives on a mac

We are an international team with different kinds of operating systems.
I am trying to connect my team members to netdrive on a mac. (i am on windows myself)
It is a pain… ! Out of the 3 team members with a mac, only one has access right now.
The other two we just cant figure out why not. One issue seems to be that the drive credentials are missing? Well isn’t it the point of using netdrive that no-one has to have access to those data? (and yes the drive is published). Another time a message popped up that mentioned something about mounting?
What are missing?

Any help or advice would be highly appreciated

Hello @marja,

Team members need their own credentials to access the team drive. Team drive provides base connection settings like server address and port and each member needs to use their own credential.

To inspect the issue please send us debug logs.

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.

My wording was not correct , I meant connection settings like Api keys/secret keys

NetDrive team drive provides common settings and each member needs their own id/pw or api key/secrets to access the storage.

I assume that you want to share remote stoarge including your credentials. If it is what you want we will list your requirement.

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