Slow response with pCloud (EU server)

To whom it may concern

I have tried to use NetDrive3 to connect pCloud (EU server) since it supports. However, the response time is significantly slow when comparing with other drives, e.g. google drive, one drive. I don’t know if such issue is applicable to EU server only. The EU server is newly supported.

Best regards


Dear Larry,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.

We recommend that you reach out to pCloud’s support team to report this issue and inquire about possible solutions. Additionally, you may also want to check the debug log file of NetDrive3 to see if there is any information that could help identify the cause of the slow response time.

Please let us know if you have any further concerns or if there is anything else we can assist you with.

Best regards,

To whom it may concern

Thank you for your quick response. I have tried another softwares - Air Live Drive (Windows and X-plorer (Android There is no such slow response time issue noted. Could you help to review your software again?

Best regards


Please set the log level to VERBOSE and reproduce the issue. Then, follow the instructions at the following link to send us the debug log file: How to attach a log file.

Please note that the log file will not contain any login-related credentials. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Our development team discovered a solution to decrease the API calls to the pCloud server while awaiting your response. I will provide a download link once it is ready.

To whom it may concern

Thank you for your help! Please find the log file attached.

Best regards


Dear Larry,

This beta version includes changes to reduce API calls to pCloud server when downloading files.

To whom it may concern

Thank you for your beta version. It’s a bit improvement, but it still takes time to respond.

A comparison video screen capture for Net Drive (1st part) and Air Live Drive (2nd part) is attached for your perusal.

Best regards


(Attachment Net Drive & Air Live Drive.mp4 is missing)

To whom it may concern

This email is resent for zip attachment. The previous one for mp4 attachment is not supported.

Best regards


20230131 Net Drive & Air Live (3.87 MB)

Thank you for the video recording. It appears that NetDrive is encountering issues while being used on pCloud. Our team is currently investigating the cause and we will update you once a resolution has been found.

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