Save To Dropbox generated strange folders instead of the document itself


I am trying to use NetDrive to mount Dropbox on Mac.
I tried to save a file directly to Dropbox through the NetDrive but it DIDN’T WORK.
Instead, it generated some strange EMPTY folders.

Does anyone knows about this situation?
Can files be saved or copy/pasted into Dropbox Folder through the NetDrive.

I was using before the Mountain Duck, but it took ages to save a Keynote presentation for exapmple…


Thank you for using NetDrive.

Could you attach debug log files to figure out what happened?

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.


Did you receive my email with the logs?
Thank you

Which the mail did you send to?

There is no mail from you.

This topic can be shown you and our staffs only.

Also you can send it via P.M.

Regards. (739.5 KB)


Thank you for using NetDrive.

I got the files you attached and reviewed them.

I found the error HTTP 409 from Dropbox Server.

The body of the response from Dropbox for uploading a temporary file of OFFICE “.~WD0000” is below.

“error_summary”: “path/disallowed_name/.”,
“error”: {
“.tag”: “path”,
“path”: {
“.tag”: “disallowed_name”

A name starting with “.~” is now allowed by Dropbox Server.

I will fix this issue as soon as possible.



I found a way to avoid this issue.

Press the “OPTIONS” button in the configuration of the Dropbox item.

Then uncheck the option “Receive changes to files from server”.

Please try after unchecking the option.


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