S3: Connection Error 2

Hi I am having the same situation as another topic but I don’t see any solution on the post. I am connecting several laps to the same account but one of them today started to send the message: drive: error conectando

These are the last lines on the log:

[2022/08/10 08:45:59.230] [ERROR ] [ 1676] [PROTOCOL ] S3::Connect Failed to listAllBuckets
[2022/08/10 08:46:30.456] [ERROR ] [ 11720] [SERVICE ] [ nd3 sdk version - child nd3svc : 3.16.667 ] [Child.cpp:129]

Dear elmikebd,

Thank you for using NetDrive.

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.


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