Quadratech Diagnostics Ltd - Issues with Netdrive quitting unexpectedly

Over the past few weeks we have been having issues with Netdrive, where it fails to connect, or when it does connect it quits unexpectedly and shows the below error message:

“The Application Netdrive 3 has quit unexpectedly”

Please can you advise on this issue?

To help us diagnose the issue, please set the log level to VERBOSE and reproduce the problem. Afterward, please follow the instructions in the following link to send us the debug log file:

Please be aware that the log file does not contain any login credentials. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

nd3api_msedge.exe.zip (4.9 MB)

I have attached the debug log file as requested after having the problem referenced in my original post again.



Sorry for the late reply. According to the log file NetDrive’s system services are not running or failed to communicate each other.

Please check following two NetDrive system service is running.

Thanks for your reply.

Please see the attached screenshot - the services are running, but Netdrive is also running currently - the issue is the constant errors/problems where we are logged out/unable to access.



Do you have any anti-virus or security software running on your PC? Some anti-virus software needs to add NetDrive system services as exceptions.

Thanks for your reply.

Yes I have McAfee LiveSafe and Malwarebytes Premium. However I have always had these installed and running, and have not had issues with Netdrive until recently. This is the same for my colleagues.

For example see the screenshot my colleague recently sent to my showing his particular error message.



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