NETDrive3 not getting along with Mac and Adobe

So after having an issue with Illustrator not being able to save files in the net drive - I know that was resolved with an update. However I’m not having issues with Indesign (still waiting for an update to be provided to solve) but also my mac has slowed down so much since having NETDrive3. To a point where it’ll stop responding. I just feel like I’ve wasted my money and should have just purchased a physical remove storage drive instead.

Unsure what to do at the point.

Thank you for reaching out. We’re actively working on resolving the InDesign issue and apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Regarding the slowdown on your macOS, we take this seriously and would appreciate it if you could send us a debug log file to assist in diagnosing the issue. We’re committed to ensuring your satisfaction with our software and appreciate your patience.

To help us diagnose the issue:

  1. Please set the log level to VERBOSE
  2. Reproduce the problem.
  3. Afterward, please follow the instructions in the following link to send us the debug log file:

Please be aware that the log file does not contain any login credentials. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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