NetDrive Mac - Veeam Backup w/ Wasabi (S3) issues

I’m trying to configure a MacBook Pro to back up to Wasabi cloud storage (S3) using Veeam and NetDrive.

My problem is NetDrive will not auto-connect if system sleeps or restarts. And seems I have to delete the NetDrive configuration and start over.

Anyone having similar issues on a MacBook Pro?

Are there specific S3 settings I need to make to ensure it will stay connected during the backup and reconnect if MacBook Pro restarts or sleeps?

This will be a solution for a group users in our company and it must maintain connectivity.

Can you share we me the steps to reproduce the issue? We will install Veeam and check if we can reproduce the problem. What’s your model of MacBook Pro and version of macOS?

I’m not the one causing the disconnect. NetDrive just loses the connection the S3 Wasabi Storage. Clicking on “Connect” it just spins. I quit NetDrive and restart…it still will not reconnect. I then have to delete the connection and recreate. It will then connect to our S3 Wasabi Storage and container.

Using a MacBook Pro M2 running Ventura 13.0

Restarting and/or sleep usually causes the disconnect. It does not reconnect automatically when system comes back up.

To help us diagnose the issue:

  1. Please set the log level to VERBOSE
  2. Reproduce the problem.
  3. Afterward, please follow the instructions in the following link to send us the debug log file:

Please be aware that the log file does not contain any login credentials. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The updated version contains stability enhancements for NetDrive system services. To ensure the removal of any remaining library dependencies, please reboot your device after installing this version.

We would greatly appreciate your feedback on this new beta version, as it helps us make further improvements.



I am now running version 3.17.729. My trial ends Wednesday April 26, 2023 so not much time left for me to test. I have already received a couple of extensions due to the issues I have incurred. Thanks for your time.

Your trial extended for another two weeks. :slight_smile:

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