NetDrive always "quitting unexpectedly" on startup - it is unusable on one comp

Hello, I keep getting the error “Net Drive Quit Unexpectedly” when I start up my work computer. I wait awhile for everything to load, then try to run the program again, and it still gives me the error. So, basically NetDrive is unusable on my work computer (previously it worked with no issue). I have tried disabling antivirus, but that doesn’t help. Comp is running Windows 10.

Any thoughts?

Dear chris-32d0,

Thank you for using NetDrive.

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.


Thanks - but I can’t even open the program to change the settings. As soon as I open the program it quits and I get the attached screen.

Dear chris-32d0,

Please uninstall the installed NetDrive and install the new version.

If you issue persists, please let me know.


that did seem to work -thank you!

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