Netdrive 3 in background causing program crashes in programs NOT accessing Netdrive mapped drive

Some months ago I did the upgrade from Netdrive 2 to 3. I then began to experience Word and other programs crashing–basically rendering my system unusable. I eventually tracked down the crashes through system logs to Netdrive 3 code which was running in the background. “Uninstalling” was insufficient to remedy the program crashes. I wound up manually deleting all Netdrive code and all related Windows registry entries. I’ve now got an active Netdrive 3 subscription I very much need to use (for an old Linkstation to which I can no longer map SMBV1 network drive) but am debating whether to risk rendering my system unusable again. (I should mention the upgrade did not appear to go completely “clean” as I recall.) I was wondering if anyone else had reported this sort of issue.


Can you give us more details what crashing appeared in Word and other programs?

Or if the problems are reproduced, please attach debug log files to figure out what happened.

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.



I will look to see if I still have the system log file information available.

That said, while manually eradicating Netdrive3 “solved” the program crash, after posting my question I eradicated all Netdrive2 remnants, double-checked for any Netdrive3 pieces I might have missed, and installed the latest Netdrive3 release. So far, so good.

Many thanks for your response and instructions on how to submit additional information.

Hope you and yours all stay safe and celebrate Christmas and New Year’s “virtually” (if at all possible)!

Best regards, Peters


It’s a good news.

If you have a question, don’t hesitate to contact us.


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