Netdrive 3 - Empty folder

What could be wrong, that after I connect to the FTP place, it don’t show any files/folder at all. The station is empty! When I push the browse button, I get an error “Failed to get file list”

But when I try to connect to the same FTp with Filezilla, it shows all the files/folder

To help us diagnose the issue:

  1. Please set the log level to VERBOSE
  2. Reproduce the problem.
  3. Afterward, please follow the instructions in the following link to send us the debug log file:

Please be aware that the log file does not contain any login credentials. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Here is the files, hope that could help you……….

Have tried both FTP and SFTP, no files/folder is showing…………




nd3svc_FTP.log (1.61 MB)

nd3svc_FTP1.log (143 KB)

Sorry for the delay. From the log file it appears that port settings are causing the problem. Do you use active mode?

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