macOS Netdrive Crashes


I have a couple macOS users experiencing issues with NetDrive.

Their device is crashing whenever they click on a file and try to move/copy it.

Any suggestions?


Thank you for using NetDrive.

Could you attach debug log files to figure out what happened?

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.


Here you go…

Please let me know if you need anything else from us. (1.3 MB)

Dear webmaster-0ef2,

I reviewed the log files you attached. But they were not logged in VERBOSE level.

Could you please attach again after setting log level to VERBOSE?


My apologies for that.

Here you go… (1.9 MB)

Dear webmaster-0ef2,

Did you change the log level and reproduce the problem?


Yes that is correct.

I changed it to VERBOSE and immediately reproduced the issue.


I reviewed the log files but it was diffiicult to find a clue.

If the issue can be reproduced, can we have a remote session to solve the issue?

If you want, please let me know your AnyDesk address and the time you are available wit UTC.

AnyDesk can be downloaded Download AnyDesk for Free.


I think I can reproduce on a macOS device here in the office without having to use the employees device.

Tomorrow or Thursday before noon PST would probably work best for me.


Please give me the exact time.


Lets do 11am PST.

Can you please send out a calendar invite to me

Tomorrow 11:00 am (PST)?? or on Thursday?

Today at 11am PST please.


That time past.

How about today? or tomorrow?

Lets do tomorrow please. At 11am PST works for me.

OK. please give me your AnyDesk address.


Sure thing, its…

375 375 262

I will connect in 5 minutes.

I am trying to connect, but your pc seems to be power off.