Locking files not working on OneDrive shares

OneDrive users connects to different drives and can access the same files using OneDrive shares.
If a user lock a OneDrive shared file other users won’t see that it is locked.
If a user open an office file nobody will see it read only.
No lock for files means users will often owervrite each others work.
This make NetDrive hard to use with OneDrive.
Is there any way to lock these shared files ?


Thank you for using NetDrive.

I’m not sure why the issue happened.

Could you attach debug log files to figure out what happened?

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.

And I will feedback to you after reviewing them.


It happens becouse each user connects to he’s own drive not using the same drive as described in NetDrive file lock feature.

NetDrive is the only virtual drive that shows both „my files” and „shared files” from OneDrive.

I’m talking about shared ones but visible on multiple different drives.

If this is not enought I will create logs on two computers using the same shared files.


Iustin Diac

T: +40 213 106 791/92

F: +40 213 106 793

M: +40 722 131 540

E: iustin.diac@listafirme.ro


Dear Iustin Diac,

If the locked file is not displayed, would you like to check if the locked file is not displayed in the file browser?


One user get a file locked.

Other user using the same shared folder see the file unlocked, as in pictures.


I figured out what is happened.

I think you drive item is not the drive item of another user.

File Lock Service is available in a same drive item of a user or in a same item of TeamDrive.


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