Install OneDrive disk

With NetDrive 3.14 when I try to setup OneDrive after I signup with my Microsoft Account the system tell me: 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu).
I cannot setup OneDrive


I could’t reproduce the issue while creating a drive item of OneDrive.

Could you try it one more time?

If the issue persists, please attach debug log files to figure out what happened.

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.


I’ve install NetDrive onto two PC. In the first one I’ve NetDrive 3.5.434 and I see both GoogleDrive and OneDrive like network disk.

In the secondo one I’ve NetDrive 3.14.309 and now I see both GoogleDrive and OneDrive like network disk like in the first PC.

But the OneDrive disk is empty with version 3.14.309. With NetDrive 3.5.434 I see OneDrive correct.

If I try to install NetDrive 3.5.434 onto second PC I can’t setup OneDrive network disk too.

The difference between two version of NetDrive is that in the ver. 3.5.434 from menu I see OneDrive only but in the version 3.14.309 I see OneDrive (with GUI). And I cannot setup it.

I try to reinstall NetDrive 3.5.434 onto 2nd PC but I can’t resolve the problem (I first deinstall version 3.14.309 and restart PC).

In your site I cannot see any version 3.5.434…

Giovanni Spadavecchia

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