I keep getting "NetDrive File Lock Service is not available"

I keep getting “NetDrive File Lock Service is not available”. I have tried reinstalling several times but it makes no difference.

I’ve gone as far as to to a full computer reset and then install. It’s still happening. What the heck?!?

Dear steinerdispatch,

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.


nd3svc_Google Drive.zip (49.7 KB)
Here are the log files.

I think I see the problem. Why is a broken beta version being pushed as an update when I don’t have beta versions selected? Beta versions should only be offered to people if they choose to install beta versions of this program.


I think you saw the message “NetDrive File Lock Service is not available”.

Even if you see this message, you can still use all of NetDrive’s features, except the new feature File Lock Service of NetDrive 3.9.

This message occurs when your PC’s internet connection cannot access NetDrive’s File Lock Server.

Is there a firewall installed or is there anything blocking the network access?

As you know, the processes of NetDrive registered as an exception in Windows Firewall while installing.

But I think there is something else that is preventing the connection to NetDrive File Lock Server.

Stay healthy.


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