FTP No Files Showing

There are no files showing when connecting to FTP and I have tried changing the options and numerous other options. This worked perfectly with NetDrive 2


Could you attach debug log files to figure out what happened?

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.


Attached are the log files.

We need this fixed ASAP as we copy files off our ftp and Backup4all recommended you as being able to work. NetDrive 2 worked perfectly.

Thanks So Much!

ndagent.log (5.3 KB)

nd3svc_FTP.LOG (260 KB)

nd3svc.log|attachment (307 KB)

nd3api_NetDrive.exe.log (393 Bytes)

Any word on this? I emailed the log files to you.

If this is not resolved soon we are going to have to look at alternatives.


Thanks for the log file.

We are inspecting the issue with the log file you provided.

From the log file nd3svc_FTP.LOG:

[2019/11/05 07:51:53.734] [MESSAGE ] [    9000] [NETWORK   ] [INFORMATION] Connecting to ( port 53586
[2019/11/05 07:51:53.785] [MESSAGE ] [    9000] [NETWORK   ] [INFORMATION] Connected to ( port 21 (#0)
[2019/11/05 07:51:53.785] [DEBUG   ] [    9000] [NETWORK   ] [HEADER   <<] TYPE A
[2019/11/05 07:51:53.844] [DEBUG   ] [    9000] [NETWORK   ] [HEADER   >>] 200 Transfer mode set to ASCII
[2019/11/05 07:51:53.844] [DEBUG   ] [    9000] [NETWORK   ] [HEADER   <<] MLSD /
[2019/11/05 07:51:53.914] [DEBUG   ] [    9000] [NETWORK   ] [HEADER   >>] 150 Transferring directory
[2019/11/05 07:51:53.914] [MESSAGE ] [    9000] [NETWORK   ] [INFORMATION] Maxdownload = -1
[2019/11/05 07:51:53.918] [MESSAGE ] [    9000] [NETWORK   ] [INFORMATION] Remembering we are in dir ""
[2019/11/05 07:51:53.918] [DEBUG   ] [    9000] [NETWORK   ] [HEADER   >>] 426 Transfer failed
[2019/11/05 07:51:53.918] [MESSAGE ] [    9000] [NETWORK   ] [INFORMATION] server did not report OK, got 426
[2019/11/05 07:51:53.918] [MESSAGE ] [    9000] [NETWORK   ] [INFORMATION] Connection #0 to host left intact
[2019/11/05 07:51:53.918] [ERROR   ] [    9000] [PROTOCOL  ] FTP::read_dir id: [] , exec error: [18]
[2019/11/05 07:51:53.918] [MESSAGE ] [    9000] [NETWORK   ] [INFORMATION] Found bundle for host 0x1be6a0bea20 [serially]
[2019/11/05 07:51:53.918] [MESSAGE ] [    9000] [NETWORK   ] [INFORMATION] Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host
[2019/11/05 07:51:53.919] [MESSAGE ] [    9000] [NETWORK   ] [INFORMATION] Connected to ( port 21 (#0)

Your FTP server did not return file list but transfer always fails with error code 426.

I found a web page which explains one possible cause of the problem.


Please check if this helps.

FileZilla works fine!

And net drive 2 worked fine.

So please provide a fix for your software or a refund.

Thank you

I have tried Active connection also,

Filezilla connects fine and downloads.

NetDrive 2 worked fine.

So it would appear NetDrive 3 is a problem.

Please issue refund as I have found another product to do this that does not have problems.

Thank You

Your purchase order (under rburke@automatedinformation.com) is cancelled now and we requested for the full refund.
