Files disappear and replaced with tmp file

I connected to my Synology NAS from a work computer and am attempting to use it as my main drive. After purchasing and connecting NetDrive I’ve had a lot of issues with disappearing files. After I open and work on a file it is no longer visible in file explorer. The original file is replaced by tmp txt files. I have to log into my NAS through the web browser to open the file again. This is happening with Excel, PDF, and Word documents. Why are my files disappearing from file explorer on the local computer? Also, how can I get rid of the tmp files which never seem to go away? They just keep building up.

Dear keithwitten,

Thank you for using NetDrive.

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.


I’ve set the Log setting to Verbose. Immediately following that change, the very first action I took re-created this problem. I wanted to give you at least two examples though so I waited till it happened again, which it just did. So the first and last actions in the log file should represent this error/problem.

I am not entirely sure how to send you the log file though. Do you just pull them yourself or am I supposed to attach them here?? Due to the size I can’t attach them here unless I create a zip file. Let me know if I need to send them.

I hope you can help. Thank you.


This is going to sound strange but I just found my files and I was able to open them. I think I figured out what’s happening.

My computer was running slow so I went to clear out all my temp files and debug docs. I hit the Windows key and “R” to bring up the Run window. Then I typed %temp% to take me to the temp location. (I’m pretty sure you know the routine). When I got there and was about to select all and hit delete I saw the files I’m missing. I clicked on one and it opened. I think what is happening is the files types are swapping places. Instead of the temp file going in the temp folder and my regular file staying in it’s folder, they seem to be swapping places. The temp file gets saved in my regular folder and my regular file gets saved in the temp folder. Very strange. Anyway, I was hoping this piece of information might help you to get this resolved. Thank you for your help. Please let me know when this can get fixed.

Hi, im having the same issue, please help. If i go to a file, make a change, it fails to upload and tries to upload a .tmp file. If i disconnect the drive and reconnect it, the file appears with the edit.where can i attach my logs, it has directory names in it.

@Shorehaven @keithwitten


Thank you for using NetDrive.

which protocol are you using http or https to connect your synology?

If you are using http, please set https.

Synology NAS has a problem with *.tmp file if the connection is http.


I only use HTTPS.

The first thing I did when setting up my Synology was to change all default ports and turn off all http ports. Just in case, I double checked just now and yes, HTTPS. See attached.

Web_Dav protocol.pdf (44.1 KB)

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