Fehler: Netdrive File Lock Service is not available

Ich bekomme die Fehlermeldung :Netdrive File Lock Service is not available.

https://push.bdrive.com/ kann geöffnet werden. It works erscheint.

Die Fehlermeldung bleibt aber bestehen.

Dear merabmalishava,

Could you please attach a screenshot to understand the problem? And please attach the log file for troubleshooting.

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.


Uploading: nd3svc_Ludger Google Drive.zip…
nd3svc_Ludger Google Drive.zip (6.7 KB)
nd3svc_OneDrive for Business BBS.zip (3.0 MB)
Screenshot (131)

Dear ludger-bramkamp,

Does the File Lock service work normally?


es funktioniert nicht, die Fehlermeldung bleibt bestehen.

Siehe Anhang.


Dear @ludger-bramkamp,

By ‘work normally’ we mean you can actually lock / unlock files from Windows Explorer or macOS Finder.

For some reason NetDrive cannot sustain connection with our push server but file lock / unlock works without problem.

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We’ve changed our websocket library which is used for file lock service.

If you still have the problem please use following version.
