Failed to add drive

Hi I’m trying to add my synology ds216j to windows 10 using WebDAV. Managed to connect to the NAS (it sees my folders when i click BROWSE) but when adding netdrive says “Failed to add drive.” I left all setting default. The problem is the same in local network and via internet. Any ideas?

edit: OK now after rebooting the PC, I am using the exact same setting and cannot even connect with the NAS, netdrive says “Authentication with WebDAV has failed”… Anybody tested this software before releasing it?

edit 2: Before anyone replied I managed to set up my own VPN and add the NAS. For free.

We test WebDAV protocol mainly with our Synology NAS before release so it seems that there is another problem.

Cloud you send us debug log files following this topic? How to attach a log file

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.