Can't Upload to Wasabi Cloud Storage

Hi, currently I’m using NetDrive 3 trial.

I was trying to upload to wasabi from my local disk to mounted Wasabi. But the upload always failed.

Any fix?

And more, can NetDrive3 mount iDrive?

To help us diagnose the issue:

  1. Please set the log level to VERBOSE
  2. Reproduce the problem.
  3. Afterward, please follow the instructions in the following link to send us the debug log file:

Please be aware that the log file does not contain any login credentials. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

OS: Windows 10 (79.2 KB)

Dear evanyzd-work,

We have analyzed the log files you provided and noticed that an issue occurred during the upload process. It appears that the Wasabi server returned a 507 error indicating that “Your account has surpassed its storage limit.”

Could you please verify the storage capacity of your Wasabi account? It seems that the account may have exceeded its allocated storage limit, which is causing this error. Checking and managing your storage space might resolve this issue.

[2024/04/23 15:48:24.899] [MESSAGE ] [    8840] [PROTOCOL  ] S3::UploadUsingPut >> HTTP PUT >> 507 : - 23ms
[2024/04/23 15:48:24.899] [DEBUG   ] [    8840] [PROTOCOL  ] S3::UploadUsingPut >> 
[2024/04/23 15:48:24.899] [ERROR   ] [    8840] [PROTOCOL  ] S3::UploadUsingPut >> HTTP 507
	<Message>Your account has surpassed its storage limit.</Message>

Best regards

BackBlaze also not working, pls check the log file
nd3svc_BackBlaze.log (665.9 KB)

Dear evanyzd-work,

I reviewed the file you attached. The errors below are in the file.
    "code": "bad_request",
    "message": "accountId invalid",
    "status": 400

In version 3.17.960, the bucket list was loaded using the master application key, but not using the normal application key. In 3.18.1080 Beta, this issue has been resolved. Would you like to try installing the following versions?

Best regards

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