Can't move folders on OneDrive

NetDrive version: 3
Windows/Mac Version: Windows 10

Hello, We are using OnDrive for business. Whenever we try to move a folder, it appears moved but after a minute or so it goes right back to the original location. I tried to check the log files but nothing gets logged by Netdrive. What might be causing this?

Hello merrick.

Thank you for using NetDrive.

Could you attach debug log files to figure out what happened?

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.


am not sure which one is the debug log file. I see about 5 logs files in the directory. I have attached the ones that were modified around the time I tried to move the folder. the folder Ind3svc_OneDrive for (1.8 MB) tried to move is called zzMerrick. I can reproduce it anytime most folders don’t move.

any update on this?

Hello merrick.

I got your log files.

I will reply as soon as possible.



Could you try with NetDrive 3.8?


my friend. I now have a bigger problem and is now VERY frustrated with your program. Since the upgrade, the “Shared with Me” folder that used to show up in onedrive for business has disappeared. This is a HUGE problem for us. We can’t work without this.
I have tried uninstalling and re-installing
removing the OneDrive for business and putting it back
Note: This happened on 2 separate computers so I halted upgrading my users.
Please let me know as soon as you can how i can get this folder back. For now, i have re-installed the older version.

Sorry for the delay. We need to change the API used by OneDrive and OneDrive for Business.

Please use following beta version. This version uses new APIs provided by Microsoft and it supports moving shared files in their folder (You cannot move files between separately shared folders). We will continue to test with this API and with some initial test it seems ok to share with.



You need to add a new item using storage type OneDrive for Business (Graph API)

This works. Thank you.
Do you know when it will be available in the regularly released version?

Also, how do i stop the program from popping up saying there is an available update (i did uncheck the box that says check for updates automatically)? Right now we have 30 users and would rather do the update at a time of my choosing or after it has been tested before having my users install it.

Yesterday we released new version which includes the fixes. Please update.

We will check about the update notification.

If you have another issue feel free to leave us messages.

thanks. i sent in another issue via email.

I appreciate your help