Can´t disconnect share from CMD line


we do map our drive by a CMD Line, but we do also need to disconncet it agian, but i can´t det it to work from cmd line string.

i do use the string below
C:\Program Files (x86)\Bdrive\NetDrive3\nd3cmd.exe" disconnect -d N -u username -p password


Would you try to disconnect without a username and password?

If it does not work please send us debug log files.

To help us diagnose the issue:

  1. Please set the log level to VERBOSE
  2. Reproduce the problem.
  3. Afterward, please follow the instructions in the following link to send us the debug log file:

Please be aware that the log file does not contain any login credentials. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

here are log file from test (1.0 MB)

Please check if there is a file named core.dat at C:\Users\miol\AppData\Roaming\NetDrive3 and it’s permission. The executable nd3cmd.exe tried to open the file but failed.

this folder is empty see attach picture

This time please upload log files while using user name and password. From the log file I cannot find disconnect command is passed to the NetDrive system service.

Sorry for the confusion. “core.dat” file is created only when you set “Keep me logged in” option set.

When there is no core.dat file nd3cmd will retrieve necessary information from accounts server using user name and password.

i am not sure what to do ?
I am using this string in cmd C:\Program Files (x86)\Bdrive\NetDrive3\nd3cmd.exe" disconnect -d N -u username -p password where i replase username and passwor with our.

how would you cmd shuld i test then ?

br Michael

Please execute nd3cmd.exe for connection and disconnection while the debug log is turned on.

After doing this you can zip the log files and send us.

now i have run connect and disconnect sane issue can fine mount but not disconnect (1.1 MB)

From the screenshot it is clear that NetDrive system service doesn’t received the disconnect command.

When you use “disconnect” command nd3cmd.exe shows usages not result.

There must be an issue when processing disconnect command.

For a workaround, please add -k option to the login command. It will remember the user account and use the remembered user account when executing other commands.

nd3cmd.exe login -f -u user_id -p password -k

After appending -k option you don’t pass user id and password to the nd3cmd.exe.

nd3cmd.exe connect -n “nxt”

nd3cmd.exe disconnect -d N

nd3cmd.exe logout

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