Cache path error

I got this message while trying to connect the NetDrive disk. It was working till midday today.
I unistalled the software and reinstall it, without success

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.

If you cannot change the loglevel please zip the log folder and send us the file. (1.1 MB)


I reviewed your log file.

I found you set the cache path to the drive which is not a real drive.

I think it’s a virtual drive of NetDrive.

You must change it to a real local drive path.


Many thanks! It works.

Now, today it is expiring my free days. What shall I do? I have to purchase e.g. a "Team Yearly Trial " ?

Do you need another trial period?

Then we can extend your trial period.

if it’s possible, it could be useful at least one week more. I have another question: how I can change a drive to link another google drive path?

In the example below:

you see two different disks that are linked to the same Google drive path. I haven’t found the way to edit the links


Pls forget last question: I found the way to manage the different disks.
If I use netdrive just to share the google drives, I have anyway to subscribe a license?


Sergio Cantoia

I found your software very useful and as soon I’ll go back to home I’ll get a licence. But there’s still a question on backround: how I can be reassured about the privacy of your solution?
Thanks in advance for your reply


Please refer to following topic about security and privacy.

In the future version we will add an option for not saving drive information on server.

the 3.8 beta version is an upgrade to the current 3.7 I’ve installed on my pc, and I can just install or I have to pay for the new version? Or there is a different process to follow to upgrade from 3.7 to 3.8?

You purchased ND3 license on July 1 (under, and for 1 year you can download any latest version including 3.8 beta.

Hope this helps you.

Best regards.