Big problem with netdrive

i have macusers and windows users. when a mac user opens a folder no problem. but the windows users cant open the same folder and it says that the folder is not existing any more. if i look with windows explorer i see a different name of the folder.
the name of the folder is Qdelft:netcompany netherlands B.V.

but if i look at the nas server through the explorer i see this name: QEE670-R
My questions are : why is the name changed?
why only macusers user can open this folder.?
why only this folder.

hope you can answer my questions.

kind regard

What protocol do you use to connect to your NAS?

Could you send us log files from Mac and Windows to inspect the issue?

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.