An Unexpected error is keeping you from copying this folder

Im trying to upload some projects (Files and Folders) via netdrive 3 for teams (one licence for my local pc, one for my other pc). However I get these errors all the time ?

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no credential information in the log files.

Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.

nd3svc.log|attachment (8.7 KB) Uploading: nd3api_ndagent.exe.log… (509 Bytes) nd3svc_Google Drive.log (1.1 KB) nd3svc_TEAM_Google Drive.log (240.8 KB) ndagent.log (6.7 KB) NetDrive3_jez.walton.log (1.9 KB)

According to the log files the requests to the Google Drive are all failed with HTTP 401 which means the access token is not valid.

It happens when the access token is revoked. Access tokens can be revoked or expired by several reasons and we cannot tell the reason from the log files.

Please unmout and mount again to use newly created access token. If this fails please remove the drive item and add a new drive item.

Is it possible that using Cloudsyn and Netdrive 3 is causing this issue, I note that the PC has not sync’d and apears disconnection (Asking for login details) Yet Netdrive 3 is fine ?

This is becoming a real issue for me !

Please can I have a refund for both Netdrive and cloud sync.
Its really not working very well, and the lack of support is frustrating.

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