100% proc utility on Synology diskstation when connect using netdrive3

I use NetDrive3 to connect my Synology DiskStation via WebDav on my MacBook.
But when i start Netdrive Synology has processor utility 100% (httpd process). It hangs my Synology. I could not decide what to do with it. When I connect via inner mac webdav - it works properly.


Could you attach debug log files to figure out what happened?

After setting the log level to VERBOSE, please reproduce the problem and send us the debug log file :

There is no login related credential information in the log files.


Here is log files attache. First of all I have cleaned old logs. When I do reading the catalog list on my diskstation CPU run 100% for 30-40 sec, then low down to usual rate.
It was more awful earlier - totally 100% CPU for 2-5 hours - I do nothing: no coping, no reading data.
When I disconnect netdrive3 - everything okay in a second.
To show you total problem I have to wait for 1-3 days having connection on until 100%CPU became constantLogs.zip (3.3 MB)


I reviewed the files you attached.

I found that there were so many getattr request of finder.

“getattr” is a request to get the attributes of a file or a folder.

According to the log files, there are so many media files in your NAS Server and “Finder” requested attribute of the files.

It depends up to finder.


Hello, Every NAS Server have a lot of media files - that is the main purpose of it.
As far I understood you, The main problem - is Mac’s Finder?
How do you explain no problem at all when I connect to my DiskStation via inner MAC WebDav (CPU utility 3-5% as usual)?
But your program is rising CPU till 100% in a second while I tried to observe 2-3 files in directory. You believe the Finder was trying to get attributes all the files on my DiskStation?
This problem is new one, I can remember nothing like that more than 2-3 months ago.

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