NetDrive2 not use on WinServer2012R2?
I can use Winserver2012Standard
Why? R2 is not support?
Thank you for interesting with NetDrive.
NetDrive2 supports Windows Server 2012 R2
We use Netdrive2 type FTP with SSL/TSL and
url ftps://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX and port change 990 to 21.
conection point is AWS-EC2.
Windows2012standarad can connect AWS.
But Windows2012R2 can not connect AWS same status.
Have you tried to connect your server with active mode?
Yes already tried activemode.
The errormessage is 「Authority error」
Not 「Connection error」
And already tried NetDrive3 but The result is same
If you got a “Authentication Error”, check account and passoword you configured.
Thank you.