NetDrive version: 3.4.369
Windows or Mac: Windows
Windows/Mac Version: Server 2016
Inline upgrade failed, removed old version, installed new version manually (exec .msi), crashes on startup
Attempted repair, with restart, Still crashes on startup … reverted to 3.4.349 to restore functionality
I installed 3.4.369 on Windows Server 2016 without problems.
Could you attach log files of installer?
Please be aware that the installer will NOT do a direct upgrade on Server 2016 when that server is joined to an active directory domain and the active logged in user is a domain admin. While it may work for you in a test environment on standalone servers in real-life domain joined & managed is the norm.
In order to get any type of successful install on all of the netdrive 3 packages I have had to extract the contents and then manually install using msiexec … from an administrative command or PoSh shell
@jyyoon: it looks 3.4.384 fixes the issue, for me on Windows 10 1703.
I could not upgrade directly to 3.4.383, first I required to remove 3.3.349 , but all NetDrive settings are preserved
I will not be able to test until a process that’s running on the server has completed. It may be a few more days before I can allow a reboot (if required).