Unable to read from file

Hello! I have such a problem, an error occurs when copying files from a locale disk to an attached cloud, via WebDAV protocol. Cloud service OpenDrive.com. It even happens that data from a cloud disk is not deleted. Having a disk recovery.

log.zip (2.8 MB)


Thank you for using NetDrive.

I reviewed the files you attached.

You set the log path to the mounted folder. Please change it to a local physical path. Then the issue will be disappeared.


Thank you very much for your reply. It seems to understand because of what the problem. Due to the fact that I specified the path to the cache, in an attached folder.
But where to give the cache, the space on the disk is small, when transferring large files, the cache quickly takes place. It would be cool to make the ability to store the cache in the clouds, as it allows RClone, although it works with some errors.
Without this, the meaning of using your program and any other similar to your

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