S3 Compatible Storage Min.io Not working

S3::UploadUsingPut >> Send failed since rewinding of the data stream failed(65)

The error code 65 is from underlying library curl and it describes as following:


When doing a send operation curl had to rewind the data to retransmit, but the rewinding operation failed.

It seems that your server is configured to redirect requests. This includes domain to domain redirects and http to https redirects.

Does your server redirects http to https? NetDrive supports only http for S3.

I believe we are using HTTPS for security purposes. I can confirm though.

If we are using HTTPS, is there any hope that NetDrive will be compatible with it sometime soon?

Thank you

Yes we are using HTTPS for security purposes.

I am hoping that NetDrive will be supporting this industry standard in the near future.
Any insight on that?

Any ideas on how to get HTTPS working with NetDrive?

I will send you a test version which supports https for S3 and compatible storages.

Thanks for your patience.

Thanks so much! I am really glad to see such great response :slight_smile:

Please try following versoin:


Thanks for your waiting.

So I installed this version and it got worse. It went back to showing me an empty directory like before. Here are the logs. I made sure to disconnect the affected drive (O:) this time so the log file wouldn’t be locked.

nd3log.zip (9.3 MB)

According to the log file NetDrive was trying to access tt-a-c bucket using following URL:

and the server returned ‘access denied’.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
	<Message>Access Denied.</Message>

I think you need to check server log.

This topic was automatically closed 7 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

Sorry for the delayed reply, got really busy for a week.

It seems the topic is closed. Did you wish to reopen it and continue troubleshooting in public so others can maybe use it in the future or continue in private messages like this? It works for me either way.

I just ran some testing and with the same credentials I can access all files with other clients and it still lets me authenticate to add this account with NetDrive3 so I don’t know why that error would be showing up.

No problem. I reopened the topic.

It feels like this is the same issue I was having initially before you gave me the first testing version. Then this second version broke it again.

At least I was able to see into the directories with the first test code version you gave me.

Hi, just wanted to ping on this again and see if there is anything else I can try maybe another beta version of code?


Hi just replying again so the topic doesn’t get closed.
Is there anything else I can try to help work on this?

Thank you

Sorry for the late reply. There was lunar new year holidays here in South Korea.

Can you please check the reason why server returned ‘Access Denied’ error?

Not sure why that access denied message is coming through, I am able to connect to the server with these credentials and on the previous test code provided at least I could see into the directories but could not upload. Now I can’t see again.

Now if I try to use the browse function in netdrive3 it crashes most of the time.

I am attaching more logs here

We need to be sure that following URI is accessible from NetDrive.


Your minio server returned valid error XML so I think the connection is fine but there is something we need to fix. To find out what we need to fix we need logs from minio server.

Ok. I am sending this request to the server admins to see if they can send me some logs that may help

Thank you