Problem of bidirectional SYNC with Netdrive 3

Hallo, I’m using netdrive 3 to sync bidirectionally Dropbox and my Network NAS.
I’m using SECOND COPY to do the sync bidirectional and NetDrive3 to create a virtual local disk for my dropbox.

So… the sync from my NAS to Dropbox go well, from Dropbox to my NAS is ok but after to connect the dropbox as a local drive, if in Dropbox I change some file, NETDRIVE3 doesn’t refresh the chamgement and Second Copy can’t transfer file from dropbox to my network NAS.

I need that netdrive refresh changement of the dropbox… is that possible?
Many thanks for your reply…


Thank you for using NetDrive.

I’m not sure how SECOND COPY works.

Could you try to mount the drives with a option “local drive”?



Many tks for reply.

The drive is already mounted as local drive. Second copy syncronize my network NAS drive with Dropbox drive (created virtually by Netdrive). If a copy a file into NAS so second copy put it into Dropbox Drive, if a delete file from Dropbox Second copy delete it also in NAS.

The problem is that netdrive doesn’t refresh virtual drive created at the moment of mounting. If after I change some directory or files in Dropbox, netdrive doesen’t change the virtual drive. Is It normal?

If Netdrive doesn’t refresh virtual dropbox drive created second copy can’t work properly.

Is it clear now? Can you tell me if Netdrive can refresh automatically the virtual drive created with dropbox?

Waiting your reply… many thanks

Stefano Martelli

Could you check “Receive changes to files from server” option is turned on?

If you press “OPTIONS” button in the configuration of the drive item, you can see the option.

And could you check followings?

  1. Mount a drive with Dropbox.
  2. Open explorer and go to a specific folder in the mounted drive.
  3. On the website, create a folder or a file in the specific folder
  4. Check the file or the folder is shown in the explorer.


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