How to use my cellphone's internal storage as a drive on windows?

Hi everyone, i need to put my android device as a storage device on windows, i’ve downloaded all the apps but as it says on the android app IS NOT CONNECTING AUTOMATICALLY and is so frustrating 'cause i really need it. i hope you guys can help me with this, and if this version of software (lastest) does not work for mobile devices, please put some links with older ones who (at least on videos) seem to work perfectly.

Use a file explorer (or generally any app) that has built in FTP. I suggest Solid File Explorer or ES File Explorer and click the FTP tab, turn it on and plug the address it gives you into the FTP option of Cloud Drive

Really though the only thing NetDrive would do is mount is as an external drive. You can already plug in the FTP address into windows explorer and that’ll work. Alternatively making a shortcut that points to that same address

Instead of plugging those numbers into windows, plug them into the FTP option in NetDrive

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