[DONE] Bandwidth Limits

Where can I set the upload/download bandwidth limits?
I don’t want NetDrive using all of my available speed.

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Thank you for using NetDrive3.
Unfortunately, the feature is not supported.
We’ll consider including it later.

@jyyoon - it should be supported. Google Drive has a 24hour upload ban. Without bandwidth limits, it will cause problems for some people. I use rclone and the bwlimit was a god send. Until then, Ill hold off on the v3 purchase. Without BW limits, it does cause problems.

Thank you for your proposal.
We will consider it positively.

Thank you

Yep- upload/download limits would be very useful.

This feature is included in NetDrive 3.4 (currently beta version) and you can download it on our home page.


Thank you.

Seems to work fine, but I would prefer dynamic adjustments (be able to change at any time after mount), not static at mount stage.

I think dynamic adjustments of bandwidth will not be added anytime soon because we need to change a lot to adopt dynamic changing of protocol behaviors.

Thanks for your feedback.

OK. Better to have static than nothing :slight_smile:

I quite like what rclone has done. You can change speed by sending REST POST command.

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