Connect netdrive to synology via static ip

I need help getting netdrive3 connected to my remote synology via static ip. I enter the static ip in the remote path field, hit connect and a new page pops up with the local server ip & port 5006 and my saved synology user name & pw. I hit OK and get a “connection failed” “please check the connection information” error.

Dear crg22611,

Are you trying to access your Synology NAS from an external network? To connect to your Synology NAS from outside your local network, you should use DDNS. The IP address you are currently trying to use ( appears to be a local IP.

Please refer to the Storage Guide on the NetDrive support page or check out the Quick Start External Access tutorial in the Synology NAS manual for more details.

If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards

I have a static ip address but NetDrive could/would not connect to it - I tried multiple times over several days. Now, all of a sudden it connects. ???

Dear crg22611,

The IP address you are using starts with, which is a private IP address. This type of address is only accessible within a local network and cannot be accessed from external networks. This could be the reason for the connection failure.

To connect to your Synology NAS from an external network, please use DDNS to set up a domain name instead of a public IP address, or configure port forwarding on your router. For more details, please refer to the following links:

Storage Guide on the NetDrive support page Quick Start External Access tutorial in the Synology NAS manual

If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards

The address I was entering was, not

Dear crg22611,

Since the IP address you entered is, which is a public IP address, it should be accessible from external networks. The connection issue is likely related to the router settings. Please check the following:

  1. Port Forwarding Settings: Ensure that the ports used by your Synology NAS (e.g., 5006) are properly forwarded in your router settings.
  2. Firewall Settings: Check the firewall settings on both your router and Synology NAS to ensure that external access is allowed.
  3. NAS External Access Settings: Verify that the external access settings on your Synology NAS control panel are configured correctly.
  4. Consider Using DDNS: Set up DDNS to access your NAS using a domain name.
  5. Check with ISP: Ensure that your internet service provider (ISP) is not blocking the necessary ports.

Please try these steps, and if you need further assistance, feel free to contact us.

Best regards

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