Change login email

Hi all,

Is it possible to change the login email / username of Netdrive sub? Right now I login with my facebook email account. I want to change it to my regular email account.

Best regards


Sorry but it not possible to change email address. You need to create another email account. If you want to migrate any licenses between accounts please let me know.

I need help, mistakenly buy my license with my personal email, how do I proceed to migrate the license to the correct account?


I’ve sent you a private message. Please check.

Hi Ysh

Did you recieved my private message a few weeks ago?

Best Regards


@kielmeel Sorry but I couldn’t find any messages from your id. Can you send it again?



I sent you a pm about this issue, could you please take a look?

Thank you.

I sent you and the staff a new message…

@kielmeel is right now @mymark