Automatically update folder

Hello all,

I have already found a topic about this, but somehow I do not get on.

I just want to “refresh” the folder that I have attached via NetDrive3 as a drive every 5 minutes via the NetDrive3 function.

What do I have to write in the .bat file (batch file),
so that this works?

After that, I would run this via Windows Task Scheduler at the desired times.

You can use nd3cmd to refresh folders manually.

usage : nd3cmd <command> [<args>]

The nd3cmd commands are:
	login		Login with bdrive account.
			If you are using SNS login with Google, Twitter or Facebook
			 then visit
			 and set password for your account.
			-f : login after force logout another user
			-k : keep me logged in
			-u : user account
			-p : password
	logout		Logout from NetDrive.
			-u : user account
			-p : password
	whoami		Show email address of a kept user logged in.
	drivelist	Show drive list.
			-u : user account
			-p : password
	connect		Connect a drive.
			-i : drive's id
			-n : drive's name
			-u : user account
			-p : password
	disconnect	Disconnect a drive.
			-f : force disconnect even though there are files being uploaded.
			-i : drive's id
			-n : drive's name
			-d : "path"
			-u : user account
			-p : password
	refreshpath	Refresh a folder list.
	lock		Lock a file.
	unlock		Unlock a file.
			-f : force unlock.
			Show locked file list