2 Desktops with Netdrive 3 - no auto file list updating

I use Netdrive on 2 different desktops at 2 different locations. One desktop is where i upload my data to the drive. The 2nd desktop reads the data from the drive.

Several versions ago it would live update the file list. So if I either uploaded or updated a file on the 1st desktop. It would automatically show the updated or newly created file on the 2nd desktop.

Now if i upload to the drive. The 2nd desktop does not show the updated files. I have to manually right click in windows explorer go to Netdrive > Refresh. Which at that point updates the file list.
Is there a reason why this doesn’t auto update?
There are other programs that you will auto update like Raidrive. But i prefer using Netdrive. Not having the file listing update though puts a hinder on things.

Windows 10 Pro on both desktops
Netdrive 3.14.309 on both desktops
Google Drive - I am currently using a team drive (owned by me) which is experiencing this issue.
I made sure the files did completely upload. I am on a gigabit connection 1k up and 1k down so uploading isnt a issue.

I have tried toggling the option “Always retrieve file list from server” in the configuration settings and also the option inside the drive config under Advanced options with no difference.

This can be simply recreated by having Netdrive 3 on 2 different computers with Windows 10. Upload a file to your Google Team Drive on your first desktop. Then switch over to your 2nd Desktop with Netdrive 3, navigate to the folder which the first desktop just uploaded the file, and you will see the folder has not and will not update until a manual refresh is performed.


Thank you for using NetDrive.

Did you register your own API KEY?

Then, if you turn on the “Receive changes to files from server” option, you can see the files in 2nd pc.

Please press “OPTIONS” button in a configuration menu of your item.

You can set the optoin.


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